Virtual Health Library

Belize Virtual Health Library

Bibliographic Search

Specialized Areas

  • ADOLEC - Literature on Adolescence Health
    Bibliographic database which contains articles related to Adolescence, and has the objective of supporting PAHO's project coordinated by the Programa de Saúde Materno-Infantil. This project aims at the creation of a sub-net in the Latin American region which will be in charge of gathering and processing information related to the theme, keeping this database always updated.
  • BBO - Brazilian Bibliography of Dentistry
    Brazilian Bibliography in Dentistry is a database on national literature in the field of oral health, from 1986 onwards, and it works under the responsibility of the USP's Faculty of Odontology's Service of Odontological Documentation. It contains books, theses, brochures, reprints and periodical publications written by brazilian authors, including articles published in foreign and non specialized journals, the objective is to produce the National Memory in Odontology.
  • BDENF - Nursing Database
  • DESASTRES - Disaster Documentation Center Collection
  • HISA - Latin American and Caribbean History of Public Heatlh
  • HOMEOINDEX - Homeopathy Brazilian Bibliography
  • LEYES - Latin American and Caribbean Basic Health Legislation
    LEYES - Latin American and Caribbean Basic Health Legislation 13/09/2005The information contained in the LEYES data base was extracted mostly from the registers of the 'Index to Latin American Lagislation' maintained by the Hispanic Law Division of the Library of Congress of the United States of America, with the exception of constitutional provision and health codes.
  • MEDCARIB - Caribbean Health Sciences Literature
    Bibliographic database which gathers the literature in health sciences which comes, most of the time, from the Caribbean English speaking countries. It is produced by the Caribbean Net and coordinated by the MedCarib Net Coordinating Center, The Medical Library, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston - Jamaica. It indexes all types of documents, such as books, chapters of books, theses, technical reports, congress and conference proceedings, and articles from journals. It contains references of documents dating from the 18th Century up to the present date.
  • REPIDISCA - Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences
    It is a database which contains bibliographic references on literature in the field of sanitary engineering and environment sciences, coordinated by CEPIS - Pan-American Center of Sanitary Engineering and Environment Sciences, located in Lima, Peru this is an international center of the Pan American Health Organization. In 1994, it incorporated the records of the ECO's database on human ecology and health.

Latin-American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information
Rua Botucatu, 862 • cep:04023-901 • São Paulo/SP • Brasil
Tel: (55 11) 5576-9800 • Fax: (55 11) 5575-8868